Wednesday mornings, 10-12:30 Mountain Time, Feb. 7 thru March 20 (no class Feb. 14.) Zoom. $480.

There are SO many ways to fail, and nothing makes us love a fictional character, or our fellow classmates, or dare I say ourselves, more than being let in on those failures. Our intrepid group will write about times we’ve failed socially, romantically, and in moments of performance and truth. Then we’ll meet with kindness and finally nest in gratitude.


Supported by great scenes from literature, you'll be guided from the depths of failure to the soft light of gratitude.

I ask all students to read the source material prior to each class so we can spend more time writing! If you can't make it to a class, I'm happy to send you a link to a taped version of that class.

I ask all students to read the source material prior to each meeting so we can spend more time writing. If you can't make it to a class, I'm happy to send you a link to a taped version of that class.

The $480 class fee acts like a concert ticket. If for any reason you can't come, you can give it to a friend, but there are no refunds.

The Zoom address as well as the source material for our first class will be send in the days prior to our meeting.